Graphing Calculator
(Note: Graphing calculator works better with FireFox or Google Chrome.)

Y1 = Y2 = Y3 = Y4 =

Table of values for y = f(x):
Y1 = Y2 = Y3 = Y4 =

Table of values x = g(y):
X1 = X2 = X3 = X4 =
Three Tables of Values:

 Let x = , , , ,      

Location of Mouse Over Chart:
Location of Mouse Click: ( , )    

Shifting Viewing Window:      

Window:   xMin       xMax      yMin       yMax 

Vertical Gridlines: Increment =

Horizontal Gridlines: Increment =

(Reflection is for graph of Y1 only.)

Find x-intercept near location of mouse click: ON    OFF      
Find x-intercept for which graph:
Y1   Y2   Y3   Y4   X1   X2   X3   X4    

Note: Program searches for x-intercept over the interval (-0.5 , 0.5)

Find intersection of two graphs near location of mouse click: ON    OFF   
Find intersection of which two graphs:
Y1   Y2   Y3   Y4   X1   X2   X3   X4     

Find maximum/minimum near location of mouse click: ON    OFF   
Find min/max for which graph:
Y1   Y2   Y3   Y4   X1   X2   X3   X4     

More features Coming Soon

Y1 =     

Y2 =

Y3 =

Y4 =

X1 =     

X2 =

X3 =

X4 =

Input for all eight graphs
3x + 4 - 5
y = 2|3.2x + 4/5| - 6
Restricting x:      

Polynomial Input:
Trigonometry Functions:
Hyperbolic Functions:

More features Coming Soon

Additional Graphing/Computational Tools

More Features Coming Soon

Table values:     Start:     End:     Stepsize:                  

Increase/Decrease Stepsize:   

Plot points:  ( , )   ( , )   ( , )    

More features Coming Soon

Additional Computational Features:

Scientific Calculator

         Previous Entries

Instruction Manual for Scientific Calculator

Absolute value: Abs and | |
           For each absolute value expression, make sure that a matching pair of vertical bars is used.
           When vertical bars are used to denote absolute value, this calculator is not designed to handle
           the case of absolute value expression nested inside another absolute value expression because it's too
           ambiguous to interpret user's intention. For an expression like | 2 + |-6 + 3| - 9 |, use "Abs".
           | 2 + |-6 + 3| - 9 | can be input as Abs(2 + Abs(-6 + 3) - 9).

Convert To Frac:
           a) Simplify 1/2 + 3/4 ==> Input 1/2 + 3/4 and click "Convert To Frac" to obtain fractional answer
           b) Convert 0.55 to a fraction ==> Input 0.55 and click "Convert To Frac"
           c) Reduce 12/18 to a fraction ==> Input 12/18 and click "Convert To Frac"
           e) Simplify 5¼ + 3½, input (5 + 1/4) + (3 + 1/2) and click "Convert To Frac"
           f) Simplify 5¼ - 3½, input (5 + 1/4) - (3 + 1/2) and click "Convert To Frac"
           g) Simplify 5¼ * 3½, input (5 + 1/4)*(3 + 1/2) and click "Convert To Frac"
           h) Simplify 5¼ / 3½, input (5 + 1/4)/(3 + 1/2) and click "Convert To Frac"

           a) Find 8 to the 3rd power ==> Input 8^3 and click CALCULATE
           b) find 4 to the Power of 1/3 ==> input 4^(1/3) and click CALCULATE

           a) Find 8 to the 3rd power ==> Input Power(8,3)
           b) find 4 to the Power of 1/3 ==> Input Power(4,1/3)

x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, and x7            a) Find 52 ==> Input 5 and x2 and click "CALCULATE"
           b) Find 53 ==> Input 5 and x3 and click "CALCULATE"
           c) Find 54 ==> input 5 and x4 and click "CALCULATE"
           d) Find 55 ==> input 5 and x5 and click "CALCULATE"
           e) Find 56 ==> input 5 and x6 and click "CALCULATE"
           f) Find 57 ==> input 5 and x7 and click "CALCULATE"

√ ̅ ̅, ∛ ̅ ̅, and ∜ ̅ ̅
           a) Find square root of 2 ==> Input √ ̅ ̅(2) and click "CALCULATE"
           b) Find cube root of 2 ==> Input ∛ ̅ ̅(2) and click "CALCULATE"
           c) Find fourth root of 2 ==> Input ∜ ̅ ̅(2) and click "CALCULATE"

           a) Simplify √ ̅ ̅(8) ==> Input √ ̅ ̅(8) and then click "Simplify_Radical"
           b) Simplify ∛ ̅ ̅(16) ==> Input ∛ ̅ ̅(16) and then click "Simplify_Radical"
           c) Simplify ∜ ̅ ̅(32) ==> Input ∜ ̅ ̅(32) and then click "Simplify_Radical"

nth root:
           a) Find 3rd root 8 ==> Input 'nth Root(3,8)
           b) Find 4th root 81 ==> Input 'nth Root (4,81)'

           a) Find nPr(8;3) ==> Input nPr(8;3)
           b) Find nPr(10;5) ==> Input nPr(10;5)

           a) Find nCr(8;3) ==> Input nCr(8;3)
           b) Find nCr(10;5) ==> Input nCr(10;5)

Sin, Cos, Tan
           Select 'Radian' mode or 'Degree' mode first; default setting is 'Radian' mode
           a) Find Cos(5) ==> Input Cos(5) and click "CALCULATE".            b) Find Sin(5) ==> Input Sin(5) and click "CALCULATE".

           Note: Input will be read as radian measure.
           a) Find Asin(0.5) ==> Input Asin(0.5) and click "CALCULATE".

Common Factor
           Find greatest common factor of 8 and 12 ==> Input 8;12 and click on 'Common_Factor'

Common Multiple
           Find the least common multiple of 8 and 12 ==> Input 8; 12 and click on 'Common_Multiple'

Factor Trinomial
           Click 'Factor Trinomial' and a new window will open.            b) Example: Factor 3x2 - 16x - 35
             Input 3;-16;-35 and click 'Factor Trinomias'
              Result: Factors: (3x + 5)(1x - 7)

           c) Example: Factor 3x2 - 16x + 6
             Input 3;-16;6 and click 'Factor Trinomial'
             Result: Trinomial is 'Prime'.

           c) Example: Factor x2 - 4
             Input: 1;0;-4 and click 'Factor_Trinomial'
             Result: Factors: (1x + 2)(1x - 2)

Quadratic Formula
           Click 'Quadratic Formula' and a new window will open.

           a) Evaluate log37 ==> Input Loga(3; 7) and click 'Calculate'
           a) Evaluate logπ24 ==> Input Loga(π; 24) and click 'Calculate'
           a) Evaluate log12245 ==> Input Loga(12; 245) and click 'Calculate'