Graphing y = f(x)

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f(x) = (base)

View Window:     xMin:       xMax:      yMin:      yMax:

Table Values:      Start:      End:      Stepsize:                    

x f(x) = (2)(x + 2)
-10        (2)((-10) + 2) = (2)(-8) = 0.00390625       
-9        (2)((-9) + 2) = (2)(-7) = 0.0078125       
-8        (2)((-8) + 2) = (2)(-6) = 0.015625       
-7        (2)((-7) + 2) = (2)(-5) = 0.03125       
-6        (2)((-6) + 2) = (2)(-4) = 0.0625       
-5        (2)((-5) + 2) = (2)(-3) = 0.125       
-4        (2)((-4) + 2) = (2)(-2) = 0.25       
-3        (2)((-3) + 2) = (2)(-1) = 0.5       
-2        (2)((-2) + 2) = (2)(0) = 1       
-1        (2)((-1) + 2) = (2)(1) = 2       
0        (2)((0) + 2) = (2)(2) = 4       
1        (2)((1) + 2) = (2)(3) = 8       
2        (2)((2) + 2) = (2)(4) = 16       
3        (2)((3) + 2) = (2)(5) = 32       
4        (2)((4) + 2) = (2)(6) = 64       
5        (2)((5) + 2) = (2)(7) = 128       
6        (2)((6) + 2) = (2)(8) = 256       
7        (2)((7) + 2) = (2)(9) = 512       
8        (2)((8) + 2) = (2)(10) = 1024       
9        (2)((9) + 2) = (2)(11) = 2048       
10        (2)((10) + 2) = (2)(12) = 4096