General Form of a Conic
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A =       B =       C =       D =       E =       F =


Identifying Conics:

Since B2 - 4AC = -3, the equation 1x2 + 1xy + 1y2 + 1x + 1y + 1 = 0 defines an ellipse.

Graph of 1x2 + 1xy + 1y2 + 1x + 1y + 1 = 0 is the graph of the

following standard-form ellipse rotated 45 degree(s) counterclockwise.


This standard-form ellipse has major axis parallel to the y-axis and

     h = -0.47140452;      k = 0      Center = (h, k) = (-0.47140452, 0)

     a2 = 1.33333333;      a = 1.15470054

     b2 = 0.44444444;      b = 0.66666667

     c2 = 0.88888889;      c = 0.942809042171319

      Equation of standard-form ellipse: (x + 0.47140452)2/0.44444444 + (y - 0)2/1.33333333 = 1

Make Graph of Ellipse